Inland Chess Academy
Championship Section PAWN Section (U800) TEAM Winner Dragon Slayer Report by James Stripes
There were 36 players representing 17 teams. Four teams had three or more players. St. Thomas More with 10.0 for the top three had one-half point more than Skyline and Saint George's. New players made a difference. Patrick Bray, playing his first tournament, led four 4.0 finishers to take home the second place trophy. Two of Skyline's top scorers were playing their first event as well. Time management made a difference. One player won on time with only two pawns against two queens, a rook, and at least another pawn. Basic checkmate skills mattered. One game ended in a stalemate when the player with the queen did not see the mate in one and moved the queen to the wrong square. Another player in time pressure missed a mate in one. One player who drew a difficult game where both players in time pressure missed chances, did not see a forced mate in two with Nf6+ followed by Rg8# (Arabian mate). Endgame skills made a difference. There were dozens of pawn promotions, many preventable by the opponent. There were as many as three queens in the possession of one side in games that I witnessed. I'm writing a blog post with some positions that I captured with my phone's camera. Stripes Blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2025 Events Spring & Summer Flier Results Benefits of Chess Login for: RATING SYSTEMS CHESS NEWS on WEB |
Byrd Realty,
Cal's Cars,
City of Spokane Valley, Dill Companies, David Griffin,
O'Reilly Auto Parts,
Overstock Surplus,
Pasadena Ridge Resort,
Spokane Valley Sea Hawkers Booster Club,
State Farm Christy Agency, STCU, VPI Quality Windows
Before and After School Chess Clubs Let us hear from schools with chess clubs so we can post the information. |
School chess clubs meet once weekly for one hour, either before or after school. Students develop chess skills with the coach's assistance through lectures, exercises, and tournament style play. Discounted subscriptions to Chess Magnet School's online self study chess school and learning and play website are available through Inland Chess Academy. If your child attends a school without a chess club
and wants to learn and play chess, there are a few options: |
Spring 2025 Chess Club Registration Fliers. | ||
• All Saints Catholic School ~ FLIER |
• NESS Elementary AM ~ FLIER |
For Online Study . . .
Students wanting to use
Chess Magnet School or
Inland Chess Academy: 509-822-9800 ~ Or buy online.
Chess Magnet School $22/yr. $18/yr.
Both membeships for $35/yr.
Videos presented by Inland Chess Academy's coaches during Covid . . . ~ Watch all
many times
you want.
Results for Past Regional Tournaments
2013~2014 . 2014~2015 . 2015~2016 . 2016~2017 . 2017~2018 .
2018-2019 . 2019-2020
Summer 2020
. 2020-2021
. 2021-2022
. 2022-2023 . 2023-2024
. 2024-2025
Inland Chess Academy's Tournament Policies
Meets ever Thursday, 7:00 pm West Central Abbey’s Fellowship Hall, 1832 West Dean Avenue, Spokane , WA for schedule of USCF rated events. |